RDawg Out Duels DarkKnightsCon

RDawg scores another victory for LRSD regular by defeating Hardcore Team Leader DarkKnightsCon in a one on one cage match. RDawg proved to be too much for the hardcore leader and defeated him by a score of 10-6. Skippy Boo instigated the fight and RDawg finished it. RDawg didn’t want to fight DarkKnights but he…

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Tournament Schedule – Needs to Start ASAP

Both Rounds must be played by the weeks end. If for whatever reason you can not schedule a game for either of your two matches, report the reason to Gymboslice, Jeffrosaw, Takedownspecial, DiaperDandy, Magic Wooshy or Mad Dog. This tournament needs to get underway. Forfeits will be handed out if necessary. These are real prizes…

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As most of you know the Alpha team did infact run over the DARKSIDE. After the humble lesson many things have happened to streamline and teach the team a lesson. Two members of the DARKSIDE have been fired from the team due to lack of skill and morale killing. Co-leader Ix P xI has been…

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Humble Pie? LRSD Alpha Dominates Hardcore Team!

Despite the loss in Monday Nights scrimmage the Hardcore Team wasn’t giving the Alpha Squad the respect it deserved. The leader of the Hardcore Team (DarkNights) was angered by the article written by Gymboslice and decided to send the Alpha Team a challenge. The Alpha Team gladly accepted the challenge and then they went to…

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Will A Little Rivalry Break This Clan?

There is definitely some angry faces coming out of the LRSD Hardcore Division’s training locker this morning, due to the defeat by it’s sister clan, LRSD Alpha Team, on Monday night. The fact that the world renowned journalist Gymbo Slice wrote an article about it the day after has also rubbed some salt in the…

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Hardcore: 5-0 WAY TO GO!

As some of you may know, the Hardcore Division headed by lx P xl and Dark Nights Con played a handful of ranked games over the weekend. After playing a final set around 9 P.M. CST, they officially became 5-0. They plan to keep up the streak through the week if possible, as long as…

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One "Hardcore" Moment

On the fateful Saturday night of July 12; The LRSD Hardcore Division was given the chance to finally test their “Metal” against the infamous Sinister Prophets (SP). Leading DSRL was none other then Captain Dark and his second in command 1st Lieutenant P. Followed by Private First Class Nose, Frito, and Paco. 1st Map Downpour…

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New LRSD Website!

The New LRSD website has been launched. Here are a few things we will need. 1. More writers. The hardcore team has no one reporting any information about their battles. Does the hardcore team even exist? Is the Hardcore team a myth? Does P play with imaginary friends? I know they scrimmaged Charlie Team and…

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