New LRSD Website!

The New LRSD website has been launched.

Here are a few things we will need.

1. More writers. The hardcore team has no one reporting any information about their battles. Does the hardcore team even exist? Is the Hardcore team a myth? Does P play with imaginary friends? I know they scrimmaged Charlie Team and had a hard time defeating them. Rumor has it they even lost to Charlie Team in a hardcore match.

2. More artwork or artist. Is Takedown the only one with computer graphics skills? Send in some of your arwork work and if approved you will be allowed to design. Don’t waste your time sending me stick figures!

3. We need to fix up the actual roster. Who’s in? Who’s out? Who is on the hardcore team? Who is on regular LRSD? All this needs to be organized. Rosters need to be finalized by the end of the week and sent to Gymboslice or Feccy J.

4. LRSD needs a new Logo. We will be holding a LOGO challenge. Whoever designs the best logo will receive a cash prize. Can Takedownspecial be beat?

5. If I missed anything then bring it up later.

GymboSlice can’t be stopped.


  1. Dark Nights Con on July 14, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Well, with the new look and direction LRSD is going, I hope things pan out the way the leaders hoped. P and I are very proud of our clan (DSRL aka “The Dark Side”)and we are happy we have been made official by having our own section on this new site. Only problem I see here is on the middle right side of the home page, there is a voting going through for MVP of July. Now why, may I ask, are none of the DSRL guys included in this? Could it be that if we were added, we may sweep the LRSD in votes? Do we want another OBAMA/Clinton ordeal here? I would hate to say it, but after all the “Star Wars” movies, the LRSD has not learned to acknowledge/fear “the Dark Side” and that we will always prevail.

    With Love,
    Dark Nights


  2. GymboSlice on July 14, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    None of the DSRL guys were included in the voting because we had no real knowledge the of their existence. P was the only hardcore member eligible for the ballot but I’m afraid he didn’t make the cut.

    Better Luck Next Month is all I can say to those who didn’t make the cut.

    Now that the DSRL is getting involved with the LRSD community look to see some of the hardcore guys on next months ballot for overall LRSD MVP.

    Get Sliced,
