Tournament Schedule – Needs to Start ASAP

Both Rounds must be played by the weeks end. If for whatever reason you can not schedule a game for either of your two matches, report the reason to Gymboslice, Jeffrosaw, Takedownspecial, DiaperDandy, Magic Wooshy or Mad Dog. This tournament needs to get underway.

Forfeits will be handed out if necessary.

These are real prizes we are giving out. The headsets cost around $50 and up. The Microsoft points should be at least $10-$20 per teammate in points. If you don’t want to take this tournament serious we will cancel the event and crown Gymboslice and Jeffrosaw Champions and they will be given the headsets because they do not own a pair of quality head sets like the ones we are giving out.

Mandatory Match Ups

[Round 1]

Magic Boys vs Razor Head Now Your Dead

Paf and Stars vs Mad Dog’s Pups

The Whyties vs Pacos Pecker – Due to the team Paco’s Pecker not showing up Monday Night (07/29/08), they were handed a forfeit by DSRL Leader Dark Nights Con. The Whyties move on to round two with a 2-0 record for games, 8-0 record for matches. It also looks like Paco’s Pecker teamate Paco5000 is leaving for a trip so anticipate for this team to forfeit out completely.

Public Enemy vs Tribal Nose Wipes

[Round 2]

Magic Boys vs Paf and Stars

Mad Dog’s Pups vs Razor Head Now Your Dead

Pacos Pecker vs Public Enemy

Tribal Nose Wipes vs The Whyties


  1. Magic Wooshy on July 30, 2008 at 5:44 am

    Magic Boys will hopefully be playing razor head now your dead tomorrow at 2 a.m i still have to talk to Feccy J but it seems to be a go.

  2. KillTyrant on July 30, 2008 at 6:36 pm

    Well im down for whenever… if my team mate ever shows up -.-