Gauge Doing Work in GB Match

By GymboSlice | November 26, 2010 | Comments Off on Gauge Doing Work in GB Match

Take a look at Gauge doing work and carrying the team in one of the LRSD game battles victories. Gauge mows down opposing enemies after they assault his fellow teammate TakedownSpecial. LRSD dominates in a game of domination and they march on to a 3-0 record. Some say they are actually 4-0.

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Happy Thanksgiving! LRSD 3-0

By GymboSlice | November 25, 2010 | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving! LRSD 3-0

Gymbo here again and I just wanna say Happy Thanksgiving to the LRSD and give a little update on whats going on around the LRSD. Takedown and Company Start GB 3-0 So far so good. Takedown has lead his LRSD Game Battles team to a 3-0 start.  Takedown and some of the old timers are…

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LRSD You Tube Channel

By GymboSlice | November 23, 2010 | Comments Off on LRSD You Tube Channel

I want to give some of you guys access to the LRSD youtube channel. From the Black Ops theater you will be able to upload clips of your game play right to our youtube channel.  Say you got a cool looking kill or crazy kill spree and you want to share it with everyone. Boom!!! With…

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LRSD Video Montage

By GymboSlice | November 22, 2010 | Comments Off on LRSD Video Montage

We are planning on putting together a video montage before the New Year.  If you want to be in the montage then we are going to need your help. First thing is first we are going to need everyone to get familiar with the COD: Black Ops theater. Even the dumbest computer people should be…

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Man Cub This, Man Cub That

By GymboSlice | November 22, 2010 | Comments Off on Man Cub This, Man Cub That

So, recently I’ve been playing some games with the team and I’ve noticed a few things. It turns out that everything that goes bad is ManCub’s fault at least according to Grim and Tivo. We were on a 20 game win streak when all out havoc erupted. All of the sudden Grim and Tivo both…

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Can You Clutch It Like Takedown?

By GymboSlice | November 20, 2010 | Comments Off on Can You Clutch It Like Takedown?

Crazy video of arguably one of the best clutches since the release of Black Ops.  TakedownSpecial faces a 4 v 1 clutch and pulls out the win by finishing the last enemy off with a jump shot.  You gotta see it to believe it.

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Gymbo Goes Cub Hunting

By GymboSlice | November 18, 2010 | Comments Off on Gymbo Goes Cub Hunting

Man Cubs are dangerous creatures and if you don’t know what your doing it could be deadly.  In this video Gymbo shows you how to hunt a Cub. Gymbo says “Watch and Learn.”

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Black Ops: Day 2 – Feccy Brought to Tears

By GymboSlice | November 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Black Ops: Day 2 – Feccy Brought to Tears

Gymbo here again and I just want to give you guys an update on how the LRSD is doing since the release of Black Ops. So far everything is going well and most of the LRSD is getting their game up and preparing what looks to be another successful season. Day 2: I get into…

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LRSD Back in Action – Black Ops Style

By GymboSlice | November 10, 2010 | Comments Off on LRSD Back in Action – Black Ops Style

Hi guys it’s Gymbo here again with another LRSD ACTION update.  First of all I’d like to say Welcome Back and it’s good to see a lot of old timers back in action once again. I’m sure we’ll all be getting a lot of games in together and preparing for yet another successful Call of Duty campaign.…

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Mad Dog Says “Go to Ranger School!”

By GymboSlice | October 27, 2010 | Comments Off on Mad Dog Says “Go to Ranger School!”


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