LRSD Alpha Stuggles and Starts Season 1-2!

Last night the LRSD started its Game Battles Season. Everything started great with a dominating victory but then things started to go down hill. Alpha Team was riding a wave of confidence after dismantling the LRSD Hardcore Team. That wave carried them through game one but eventually things went sour. The LRSD crashed losing its next two games in disappointing fashion. Back to the drawing board for Mad Dog and Alpha Team.

LRSD dominated its first match 2-0, recording two 4-0 shut outs. RDawg started his first game battles game and it was a successful one. RDawg seemed to mix in fine with the rest of Alpha Team has they picked apart the first team they played. Everyone was on fire. Even went they looked like they were gonna lose a round they turned it around and clutched out games. They were operating like the well oiled machine Mad Dog had created. After their first victory Mad Dog said “Everyone played at the top of their game. From Top to bottom we are going to be tough to beat.”

Game Two was a disaster. The LRSD seemed to be riding too high on that wave of momentum and they only seemed destined to be on their way down. The first game of this series saw the LRSD get dominated. It was a brutal beating. Gymboslice said “I haven’t had a beating like that in a long time. It was shocking. We really beat ourselves that game.” Game Two was closer but the LRSD was not knocking down shots like they are suppose too. Mad Dog was furious and broke his clip board in the locker room after the battle. We tried to get a word with Mad Dog but he had nothing to say. He just pushed the camera man out of his way and slammed the door to his office. Jeffrosaw was available for comment and he said “No one beats the LRSD like that. We only defeat ourselves with mental errors and poor shooting. We will turn it around.”

Game Three the LRSD struggled early. Jeffrosaw had some connection problems and was forced out of the game one and he never returned. Pafinator replaced Jeffrosaw and played well but it wasn’t enough. The LRSD lost game one of that series by a score of 4-1. Game Two it looked like the LRSD was back as they dominated and won the round 4-0. Each game in that round was close but they were able to pull off each victory. Gymboslice clutched himself out the final game of that series to secure the LRSD victory. Game three of that round was ugly the LRSD started in a 0-3 hole and just dug themselves too deep. The LRSD crawled back into the game with 2 straight victories but feel short and lost the game 4-2. Gymboslice and Magic Wooshy had a major communication and time management error that cost them the final game of that series. They actually had the game won but couldn’t recover the bomb in time. Gymbo was asked about that and all he said was “Mental errors will not be accepted by the LRSD. We will turn this ship around.”


  1. Ix P xI on July 22, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    i just wanted to say that game battles isnt for the weak at heart and if any of you would like some information about how to battle for real then pleaze give p and dark a call. we may lose when we play alpha but we never lose when it comes to the big boy sports. enjoy your own medicine ladies and please keep your head down.

  2. Alllah on July 22, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    i have one thing too say about this…………………………..

  3. lrrp217 on July 28, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    this clan seem well put 2 together. how did you come up with the name?i was with the lrsd at the 82nd and the 101st. Very cool 2 see this clan. i dont think i play as well as u do,but glad you guys play hardcore.