
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know, that some LRSD members have been hard at work planning for the near future, and the fresh start that Modern Warfare 2 brings.

Alot of you have been asking about teams, well I can say that rosters are being roughed out, and we do have a gameplan… however, The Council has decided that with it being a new game, and the likelihood of new talent emerging, that everything remain classified until everyone has gotten a feel for the game.

on release day, feel free to explore the game and have fun with it, but know that your leaders will be hard at work picking apart the multiplayer to come up with strategies for you guys.


We will be opening the forums back up very soon, as not only a way for members new and old to talk about many different things, but most importantly a recruiting tool.
We will have a new forum with an application form for new recruits, and a new system of recruiting, pending approval.

also, we are trying to get more info on the members page, especially for the Veterans and long time LRSD members, so please send JigSaVV x a message on XBL or on aim, with your Name, age, location, weapon of choice, and favorite gametype, and we will get your bio updated.

A new game means new challenges, new members, and new things to come, and of course… a new opportunity to dominate.


  1. GymboSlice on November 4, 2009 at 3:05 pm

    When giving the information guys don’t give your first and last name. You don’t want that information on your BIO page. Just send all the info to Jigsaw He will take care of it.