Gymbo's Double Team Power Rankings

The double team tournament is going to be action packed and we will finally find out which two teams will earn the label of Elite. We got some tough competitors in the first LRSD tournament and expect a lot of drama.

Alpha Team is sending two teams and right now these two are my picks to win the tourney but Hey, you never know thats why we play the games. Bravo Team is also sending two teams and they are pretty high quality. These Bravo guys are hungry and they got something to prove. The Hardcore Team has entered three teams and I don’t know much about any of the Hardcore teams but I know Allah’s Team is pretty decent. The Whyties are my Darkhorse pick. They can get on a good run and possibly of take this home.

Gymbo’s Pre-Tournament Power Rankings

If you don’t like em play better or don’t read em.

#1. The Magic Boys – Magic Wooshy and Feccy J seem to be the favorites in this tournament. Feccy J has guaranteed victory and I tend to believe him. Wooshy and Feccy have team chemistry and have been in many battles together. As long as they don’t crack under the pressure they’ll take this whole thing.

#2. Mad Dog’s Pups – KillTyrant and Ghost are a solid Team. Ghost is a rising star and KillTryant can be a beast when he is focused. Both men were solid contributors to the Alpha Team and are one of my front runners to win the grand prize. KillTyrant said “I need a new headset, this tournaments competition is a joke.” Ghost said “I’m confident we will make a run at the title.”

#3. The Whyties – Roger1228 and HPxALLAHx21 might be The Magic Boys sole competition. I haven’t seen much of Roger but I’m figuring Allah can put him on his back and carry him through the tournament against the weaker teams. If Allah plays like he talks then they just might win this thing. Allah said “You might as well send the Headsets to my house right now, Heres my address —–.” I like the kids confidence and The Whyties should be right there at the end.

#4. Tribal Nose Wipes – lx TRIBAL xl and Nose Dive look like a strong Team but then again Nose Dives own team has questioned his determination and heart. I haven’t seen Tribal play yet but if he’s on the hardcore team he can’t be that bad or Can he?. The word on Nose Dive is he’s pretty good and I expect him to carry this team as far as he can. I see them edging out the rest of the teams for a playoff spot by a Nose.

#5. RazorHead Now Your Dead – RazorHead and Grim Punisher having been battling side by side for years. They may not have the raw ability like some of the other teams but they have team unity. If RazorHead doesn’t crack under the pressure and Punisher can handle being yelled at then expect this team to be to have a decent showing. I still can’t see them beating my top 3 picks but you never know, thats why we play the game. RazorHead just might clutch it.

#6. Public Enemy – Xx Ri0tMaKeR xX and Killen Villian are suppose to be pretty good. I haven’t seen these clowns play but if they are like some of the other hardcore team members they might need Mad Dog’s boot camp before the tourney. Allah said Killen Villian is the real deal but i haven’t even seen the kid yet. If its true look for this team to rise up into the top 3.

#7. Paf n Stars – Pafinator and StarNards will be right there with everyone but i just don’t see them pulling off any crazy victories. StarNards can be really good and go on crazy runs and Pafinator is just all around solid. I don’t think they got it in em to take home the tourney. I can see them beating Paco’s Pecker if that counts for anything.

UnRanked – Skippys Nuts in Yo Face – Skippyboo and NutsinYoFace

UnRanked – Odie and the Pup – Odius and RDawg

UnRanked – Choke on Dills – Chokeartist, LilDills, Frito

**** Paco’s Pecker has bowed out of the tournament. Paco will not been in town for the upcoming weeks. ****

#8. Paco’s Pecker – Paco5000 and StealthPeck aren’t going to fair well in this tourney. Stealth and Paco just don’t match up well with the other teams. Stealth is better at hardcore and Paco uses a new tube which will be banned for this event. The Odds of Paco’s Pecker winning the title are slim to none. I’ll be surprised if they catch fire and win a couple games. They’ll be the first to attend Mad Dog’s Basic Training.

Diaper Dandy’s Quick Picks

1. Magic Boys 2. Mad Dog’s Pups 3. Paf and Stars

*** RDAWG has been replaced by Ghost as KillTyrants Teammate in the Mad Dog Pups.. RDawg will have a chance to recruit a new team member.. Odius is possible teammate for him.. Team Name will be coming soon. ****


  1. Magic Wooshy on July 24, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    good luck to all other teams taking part in this tourney, i been practicing for this and i am not taking any other team lightly, i work well under pressure and i like when people on the other team get cocky it makes the game lot more fun and victory a lot better.

    “im da bomb, like tick tick”

  2. Hastro = Bad on July 27, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Yea if my team was in the tourney we would put a magical whoopin on Wooshy’s and KillTryants booty. Boom Boom !!! I heard Feccy J is Wooshy’s magic boy. Whatever that means.

  3. by ChOkeArtisT on July 31, 2008 at 1:30 pm


  4. Gymboslice on July 31, 2008 at 2:44 pm

    The tournament has gotten under way last night..

    Magic Boys are 1 – 0
    Paf and Stars are 1-1
    Mad Dog’s Pups are 0-1

    Ch0ke we will let you know tonight if you are approved for the tournament. King of Kings is currently not a member of the LRSD so we will see what Mad Dog has to say..

  5. Allah on August 3, 2008 at 6:48 am

    i am going to go head and give you my adress for the headset again because i think u might have lost it so my adress is 816 College Park Road/ Ladson SC/ 29456

  6. Gymboslice on August 6, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    Allah wouldn’t you think your team should actually get together and play a game before we just send you the head sets.

    i haven’t seen any motivation from any of the teams.. The tournament will be canceled if there isn’t a game played this week.