Bravo Team Update

So here we are… ten days into September, the end of the World at War summer season is just around the corner, ending September 30th. Lets see how things are shaping up.

The LRSD Samwiches have made it into a playoff spot (currently ranked 62nd) with 20 days left in the season, and by the way they have been playing, moving up the ranks should be easy. When JigSaW and Drist started the team at the end of August, with the goal of making it to the playoffs, there were many mixed feelings. Some thought there would never be a Bravo Team that could make it to the top, while others were hopeful.

Drist called upon some old friends to help round out a solid roster which looks like this:

  • JigSaW
  • Drist
  • Scarlett ( aka Gauge)
  • TerryG
  • Fierce
  • Blind Mice
  • Brizzzly

and after long negotiations, former Alpha Team member , leVel was added to the roster.

The chemistry formed by Fierce, TerryG, and Blind Mice, has really been the fuel to this teams fire, leading the way with multiple winning streaks.

There is alot of work to be done before playoffs begin, but I think a lot of people will be surprised by the LRSD Samwiches


  1. Fierce on September 10, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    Team Work…. Nuff Said