Where in the World is Wooshy?

Where is Magic Wooshy?

Magic was once one of the poster boys of the LRSD but now he’s just another soldier.  Wooshy use to be someone the younger players could look up to but now Wooshy is one of those confused young players.  Wooshy needs guidance and he needs to be attending LRSD practice, meetings and team battles. Will Wooshy get back on track?

Some members around the LRSD are starting to question Magic’s dedication and loyalty to the clan.  Gymbo said “Wooshy use to be good, now he’s barely around. Even when he is around its like he’s invisible.  He doesn’t know the strats, he’s just lost.  Hopefully Wooshy will come back home.”

Feccy said “I don’t think he is as dedicated as he once was.  Maybe he doesn’t have the heart of a champion.  Maybe he likes to lose. Wooshy’s World?? You kidding me.. It’s more like where in the World is Wooshy.. Lately Wooshy is kind of like Waldo.. hard to find…”

Takedown said “Without Wooshy we are still unstoppable.. Wooshy never makes his presence felt anyway.. He’s not Takedownspecial. Takedownspecial does work!! Obviously Wooshy does not…”