Snowflake for New LRSD!

snowflakesThe New LRSD got off to a rocky start in Game Battles last night by losing all four games they played. By the look of the match report and the shout box they were clearly out matched.  They ran into some tough teams but no one the old LRSD hasn’t beaten before.  It is pretty shocking that the New LRSD can’t even win a game.

Level said  “hey we need a meeting that was pitifull last night we had no idea what we were doing!”

Mad Dog said “Why practice strats if no body uses them…”

These guys were given the keys to a first page playoff team and some how they manage to crash it right out of playoff contention in just one night!!

For a team with this much hype around them they should be able to back some of it up on the battlefield. It makes you wonder if some of these guys ever tasted real battle before or they just a bunch of pub superstars!!

And to think they wanted to challenge the Old LRSD in a game…. HaHaHa… Right now The New LRSD members couldn’t hold the Old LRSD members jockstraps…

Snowflake??? You kidding me…