Playoff Bust One, Two & Done!

call-of-duty-bus-rideOne..Two.. & Done!

After such a promising start the LRSD season comes to a crashing halt after going 0-2 in the playoffs. The LRSD Alpha Team fought hard but they came up on the short end on two closely contested rounds. The LRSD has vowed to prepare better for the playoffs and guaranteed they will advance further in the spring season.

In the first round of the playoffs the LRSD lost two maps that went into overtime and that really hurt.  The LRSD ended up losing the first round of the playoffs 3 games to 1.  If the overtime loses were flipped the LRSD would have pulled out a 3-1 victory. Some inner squad drama lead to the downfall of the team in game one. After the first round two key LRSD members were suspended for the rest of the playoffs. (They weren’t suspended due to their poor performance.. They were suspended because of their attitude and poor teamwork.)

Round two of the playoffs was a different story.  The LRSD had to use two inexperienced team members because of the suspensions handed out after the first playoff game. The team fought hard and won the first map due to a rule infraction by the other team (Gymbo was on fire the LRSD was going to win the map anyway). Then the LRSD lost maps 2 and 3 (both were close games). When all looked lost the LRSD battle back on the 4th map and won in overtime which forced game 5. On the 5th map one of the LRSD members had technical difficulties and it resulted in the LRSD playing a man down for the majority of the round.  The LRSD ended up losing the map and that forced them out of the playoffs.

It was a great season by LRSD Alpha Team and its unfortunate it had to come to a disappointing end.  Congrats to Alpha Team and hopefully this experience will help them in the future.