LRSD Rising Up

call-of-duty-world-at-warLRSD A-Team Cracks Top 40

Congrats to the LRSD for cracking the top 50 and recording 60th win. All the hard work and dedication is paying off.  Alpha Team is really coming together as a true team.  Look for the LRSD to continue to rise through the standings.  They could possibly be on the first page in the upcoming weeks. (Currently Ranked 33rd)

Mad Dog Goes Clutch

In an amazing Game Battles game vs. the Lost Recon Soldiers, Mad Dog goes clutch in OT not once but twice.

With the 1st game on the line the LRSD was down 3 guys to 1 in OT.  It didn’t look good for the LRSD but there was still hope because that one guy was Mad Dog. Mad Dog didn’t give up, he went on the attack and took down 3 Lost Recon members for the game one victory.

Then in game two the match went to overtime and again it was Mad Dog left in a 3 on 1 situation.  Mad Dog wasn’t scared but he could smell the fear of the Lost Recon members and he went in for the kill.  Mad Dog eventually took out all three remaining Lost Recon members and brings home another win for the LRSD.

The two overtime clutches by Mad Dog will probably earn him Clutch Player of the Month.

Iconz Tells Mad Dog to Get Down

During a heated Game Battles game Mad Dog was getting a little frustrated. Mad Dog was yelling “Enemy on the Right side.. Right Side…” Iconz saw Mad Dog was in a bad spot and he started yelling to Mad Dog to get down.  Iconz said “Get Down Mad Dog, Get Down.” Mad Dog eventually died and was frustrated but Iconz tried to comfort him by saying he should of gotten down.

Charlie Team Working Hard

Lately Charlie Team has been putting in a lot of work and they are really coming together as a team.  Since Chub has taken command of Charlie Team they are actually a respectable team. A few members of Charlie Team have spoken out and said they are ready and they can’t wait for this Bravo vs. Charlie Team match up. They feel the outcome is going to be different.

Is Charlie Team Ready for Bravo?

Bobby Shadow Building Another Team?

Rumors are circulating that Bobby Shadow is building another clan. Paco said he heard Shadow was teaching the way of the LRSD to another clan. If this is true Shadow could face suspension.  Bobby Shadow is one of the future stars of the LRSD and it seems hard to believe he would try to build a team to come after the LRSD. All we can say is “Many have tried and many have failed.”