LRSD is the Death of Death Blooms!

deathbloomsLast night in an exciting battle the LRSD squared off against the former 2nd ranked team on GameBattles, the Death Blooms. It was a great match and hard fought by both teams with the LRSD emerging as the better team on this night.  The LRSD controlled the pace of the battle and they took the three game series 2-0.

First Game the LRSD drove the DeathBlooms right off the map in war with relative ease and then finished them off by beating them up in a Team Death Match. The Death Blooms has given the LRSD fits before but not on this night.  This time the LRSD challenged them to a game of Map Gen. Map Gen is totally random and it can be any game mode and it is a true test of ones skills in the entire COD: World at War game. It was pretty obvious right from the start last night that LRSD came to play and showed they were the better all around team. They were able to push the Death Blooms all over the map in war and then they took it a huge early lead over the Death Blooms in Team Death Match and coasted to the easy victory.

For some strange reason after the game the Death Blooms had the nerve to leave negative feedback about the LRSD saying the LRSD camps and only uses gas grenades. Whether this accusations are true or not this clearly showcased the lack of class and sportsmanship by the Death Blooms and its unfortunate they would have to take this road. We thought the Death Blooms were a class act and all around good guys and I guess that is true until you destroy them on the battlefield.  They should of taken the loss like men and not made any excuses.

A couple hours after match the Death Blooms disbanded their clan.  It’s sad that the LRSD caused the death of the Death Blooms but hopefully this will teach them a lesson.

Any Death Blooms Need Help?

If any fallen Death Bloom members would like to come join the LRSD please use our contact form and reach out for help.  We will offer each of you a tryout with the LRSD… Think About it..

We are only here to help.