LRSD Christmas Update!

First off I’d like to wish everyone in the LRSD a Merry Christmas.

So whats been going in LRSD these past couple of weeks.

Getting  Locked!!!

Let’s start off and say congrats to my GB team for being the first team to get locked on the GB ladder.  My guys got a little dispute happy and lost two disputes back to back which probably caused the lock.  If you ask me I feel we were wrongfully locked out but what are you gonna do.

Not to worry though we were officially unlocked late last night.

LRSD Search Override Team

The LRSD has join the Override ladder and will focus exclusively on Search and Destroy.  I believe all of the LRSD is pretty much on the team but if we forgot about you and you you are interested in being apart of the team reach out to TakedownSpecial.

Whoever named the team (LRSD Override) I want to thank you for your creativity.

The team is currently 7-1 and working their way to the top of the ladder.  We are giving everyone who is interested a crack at GB matches (S & D only right now).  To think we actually let Myself, Takedown, Breezy, Mad Dog, OverDose and Batto all on the same battlefield last night. (We won!)

Insane in the Membrane

Captain Insano has been officially suspended by the council and will have to sit the next 2 weeks of GB matches (Both GB Teams). Insano was charged with 2 counts of failing to follow orders and 1 count of lying to Mad Dog.  Lucky for him it is Christmas because this could of been 4 week suspension (Mad Dog does have a heart after all).

Mad Dog Returns to Glory

Last night as the LRSD Override team took to the battlefield Mad Dog returned to his old form and dominated the opposing team.  Mad Dog showed flashes of a young Mad Dog racking up insane scores like 11-2.  Mad Dog was aggressive on the battlefield and even showed the ability to clutch out matches. Was this just a flash in the pan or has Mad Dog really returned to elite form?

LRSD Charity Tournament II

Anyone interested in running the LRSD Gaming for Charity event this year please let me know.  It was a great tournament last season and if I had the time I would do it again.  Anyone else want to take the lead on this project please let me know.  I’d be willing to help and I’m sure others in the LRSD would be as well.