LRSD 1v1 Tourney Bracket Update!

Here is the latest bracket update. If you weren’t available for your match then you were forced to forfeit. I’m sorry but that is just too bad. Send an e-mail complaint to and we will read it when we get a chance.

Click Here For Bracket!!!!

Late Entries

Some people have requested a late entry into the tournament to fill in for those who have either quit or disappeared from the tournament before they were eliminated.  The Council got together for a little meeting last night and decided it would be unfair to those who joined the tournament from the beginning and we have decided against adding replacements in the losers bracket.  The Council voted to a majority decision that it should not go back and break their previously stated rule.  Sorry guys.. You will just have to enter the next LRSD event.

Match Results

In a strange turn of events GrimPunisher gets a taste of his own medicine as he is severely punished by Iconz.  It’s unfortunate that the clock struck midnight and ended Grims Cinderella story. Keep your head up kid you still got a chance to battle your way out of the losers bracket. Iconz said afterward  “If you want to be the best you got believe you are the best.”

TakedownSpecial and Pariah both receive forfeits in their opening round match ups because their opponents failed to show up for the last two weeks.  I guess the kids were scared.. Who knows??  Anyway.. Takedown and Pariah battled to an 8-8 tie. Then Takedown reached in his bag of tricks and went on a 7 kill streak which put and end to Pariah’s hopes and dreams. Hats off to both competitors they put on a good show.

Cakefarts defeats Randy Mcteig in probably the best match of the early rounds. Cakefarts will move on to face TakedownSpecial which is expected to be another great match.


SupaFlyMunsta, Rezindo, Haze, Rinqi and Maverick have all been disqualified from the tournament. Its unfortunate that several members couldn’t finish the tournament. If you happen to face one of them in the losers bracket not to worry you will be given a bye to the next round.

If you do not agree with this decision please send all complaints to Feccy and I will be sure to read it and deal with it right away.. (Yea, Okay!)