Here We Go Again

It’s Gymbo here again to give you the latest news of whats going on around the LRSD.  First Off I want to start off by saying Happy New Year to everyone in the LRSD.

Last year was a great year and the LRSD as a whole went from being this little unknown gaming community to one of the top Call of Duty communities on the web.  We had great success during the World at War Era and we would like to carry that success over to Modern Warfare 2.  So lets continue to build off the success of last year and lets make this New Year a great year for the LRSD.

Lets start the year off by hosting our first ever charity tournament event. I want to thank all those guys who have already been helping out with artwork, banners, e-mailing sponsors, e-mailing teams, posting on forums, etc… The guys who have been helping have been doing a great job and so far things are right on track and its going to be a great event. If you aren’t contributing and trying to help out for this event you better start.

So What’s Been Going On Lately:

Gymbo Returns

I’ll be starting my own team on Gamebattles (LRSD Rough House).  Any of you guys out there that don’t have a GB Team or just want to try Gamebattles matches just for fun let me know. I’m going to pretty much add whoever I can to the roster in hopes to get some new guys some Gamebattles experience.  This will be  a training ground for some guys to gain Game Battles experience. It will also be a place where the Old Timers can try and relive their glory days from time to time.  So the team consists of myself, ManCubb, Jeffrosaw, MrBone, Liath, BobBigcack and the great Bore. Message me if you are interested.

LRSD Pivotal Moments Off to Hot Start

Blind Mice has done a great job leading this new team to a great start with a record of 23 victories and only 2 loses.  Right now Pivotal Moments is pretty much LRSD’s first team and they have lived up to the expectations.  They should have an article coming out in the next couple days to give a more in depth look into their teams success.  Keep up the good work guys.

Young Gun of the Month Goes to ManCub

Congrats to ManCub for winning the LRSD’s first ever Young Gun of the Month Award.  ManCub has dominated the latest polls and he has dominated the battlefield in pubs.  ManCub has been recently recruited to Gymbo’s New GB squad.  This will be a good place for ManCub to test his skills on the next level of competition.

Mad Dog Takes Action

Mad Dog has decided to return to action and lead a new LRSD GB team. Mad Dog went ahead and took a few pieces from a couple different teams and has formed what some may call a very talented team.  Talent doesn’t always equal success as we have seen in the past they are going to need hard work and dedication if they want to be a top GB team. Mad Dog is calling this “the super team” but before we start hyping them up lets see them win a couple games.

Well that’s all for now.. Stay tuned for the Gaming for Charity Tournament Jan. 29th – 31st.