Gaming For Charity

For the New Year, Team LRSD hosted its first ever Gaming for Charity Tournament, where all proceeds were donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.  It was a successful event and we look forward to hosting similar events in the future.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360.

Tournament Date: January 26th to 28th 2010

All Games Throughout the Tournament Were Hosted by We’d like to give a special thanks to Nate he was a tremendous help.

Congrats to the winners of the tournament Team Extravagant. They performed great throughout the tournament and showed why they are one of the top teams of Modern Warefare 2.

Special Thanks to:

Magic Wooshy and Devine for commentating and broadcasting what we could of the event. Due to some technical difficulties we missed out on a lot of the action.

Stride Gum, Arizona, MLG Pro and Activision for donating awesome prizes for the event.

LRSD Members Blind Mice, TakedownSpecial, Feccy J, Jigsaw, Magic Wooshy, Diaper Dandy, Battojin, Liath and others for contributing before, after and during the event.  These guys were a big help and if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t of had an event.

Next Event

Possibly in late spring or summer time so stay tuned!!!


  1. Chenstrap on January 3, 2010 at 2:15 am

    yo. i wanna help out any way possible. my team may be intrested and if not i want to ref. my gt is chenstrap

    i dont have a paypal so donating at this point (for me) is kinda out of the option