Dandy Does Work, LRSD to branch out..

The Diaper Returnshibernating-bear-coming-out-of-cave1

Recently The DiaperDandy himself, has been spotted leaving his den where he has spent the whole winter season in hibernation. Now that spring is among us The Diaperdandy, like many beasts of the wild,  must begin anew. He has already gotten a good jump on things, and started a new team, Team LRSD Emotion. The team will be comprised of what was left of Bravo, along with some unnamed members possibly jumping on board (we are still ironing out the details).  Look for Emotion to begin tearing apart the competition in GameBattles

Team LRSD to become Brand Name? 

Recently some loose lips have leaked speculation that Team LRSD may become a brand name. What does this mean?teamlrsdtm1 Well… it kind of goes like this, The LRSD is made up of many individuals competing on more than one team, There are also some that would like to compete in other games ( UFC undisputed 2009, perhaps) so to say that Team LRSD is just ONE team is a bit misleading. The reality of it is The LRSD is comprised of many different teams, making it more of a brand name than an individual unit. I wouldn’t be surprised if we started to see “LRSD” appear in front of way more than just Call of Duty Teams. (Team LRSD Pro anyone?…)

stay locked in for details