4 New Maps for Call of Duty: World at War

corrosion3_screenshot_600Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 has been released.

The map pack features 3 new multiplayer maps a long with a new Zombie map. I take it a lot of LRSD old timers will come out of retirement to check out some of the new maps.  Look to see some old blood return to the game.

Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack Preview

Multiplayer Maps

“Banzai” : Jungle Map featuring a lot of sunshine and waterfalls. For all you Major Sunshine fans I heard that if you look at the waterfall long enough you’ll start to see some rainbows.

“Corrosion” – Blown up train yard map with a lot of good places to hide.

“Sub Pens” – A submarine base… Looks like a great place for campers to make a home..

Zombie Map

“Shi No Numa” – featuring more Perk machines,   the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and flaming hell hounds or should I say “Flaming Mad Dogs!!!!”