Team LRSD Starts Off 16-14

What is going on with the New LRSD?

First they almost fall out of playoff contention in the Spring season and some Old LRSD members had to come back to save them.  Now they are just flirting with mediocrity with a record just above the .500 mark. Maybe they just aren’t good enough to fill the shoes of the Old LRSD. Maybe its too mush pressure to live up to the reputation that has been built up by the LRSD’s past dominance. Maybe these guys aren’t winners. Whatever the case may be one things for sure changes need to be made.

We all know the Old LRSD struggled in the past but they eventually came together and formed one of the greatest teams the game has ever seen. So maybe the New LRSD is just going through a similar situation and they will end up coming back and being one of the best LRSD teams yet.  We will have to just wait and see what happens.